David G. Khachatrian

My notes (in PDF form).

I’m not even sure how many times I have found “the notes of some person on the Internet” helpful in my understanding of some concept of interest. I figured that, in case my ramblings explanations could provide some value, I could “pay it forward”. In some cases, I have written explanations as blog posts. These are some other notes (at least mostly mutually exclusive from the blog posts) that exist as PDFs.


MITx Statistics and Data Science course notes.

Recently, the MITx MicroMasters Track in Statistics and Data Science held its “capstone” exam series for the first time. I took the exams as an excuse to write up/collate some notes on the four courses that preceded the capstone exams. (There is a rough “order” to them – I do some consolidations of concepts in the earlier writeups to avoid repeating myself in later ones.)

  1. Probability - The Science of Uncertainty and Data
  2. Fundamentals of Statistics
  3. Data Analysis in Social Science
  4. Machine Learning with Python: from Linear Models to Deep Learning

MIT OpenCourseWare

Some courses available on the (fantastic resource that is) MIT OpenCourseWare website are missing written notes or homework solutions, so I’ll share what I happen to write up.